Friday Fun: Storage Ideas for your Hair Products

I'm on the hunt for storage ideas for my hair products. I currently have 2 places where I store my products:

I do want one main area to store everything. I'm not really a product junkie (LOL.. well, my friends do not agree with this), however, I have a lot of products

I need a centralized location for everything. In a perfect world, I would like the following:
  • A wooden shelf
  • Multi-level, so that I can seperate Oils, Stylers, Moisturiers, Miscellanous products
  • Able to be closed,  away from little future naturalistas AKA Big Sis and Lil Sis. I have caught them on numerous occassions playing beauty shop with their dolls and my precious oils and expensive moisturiziers!
That's it! By the way, I found this video and I LOVE LOVE how The Trendy Socialite arranged her products.

How do you store your hair products?


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