4 Steps to a Successful Wash Day

A typical wash day can last between 2 hours to an overnight process. Regardless of how long it takes, a lot of transitioners and naturals follow these steps.

Pre-poo Treatment
The pre-poo treatment can be as simple as applying an oil, that penetrates the hair shaft, onto your entire hair. It can be as complicated as creating your own pre-poo treatment consisting of different Ayurvedic herbs and oils.  The purpose of this step is to protect the hair before shampooing with a sulfate shampoo. However, you can still do this treatment even if you are not shampooing your hair because it provides your hair with addition protection during the washing process. It helps your hair feel less striped after the washing process is completed. You can leave this treatment on your hair for at least 30 minutes.

What I use: Ayurvedic mixture (Amla and Brahmi Treatment). This detangles my hair regardless of the coarse feeling.

Shampoo or Conditioner Washing (Co-wash)
For this step, you can either choose to shampoo or conditioner wash your hair. If you choose to use shampoo, try a sulfate free shampoo that will not strip your hair of necessary oils. However, if you do use sulfate shampoo, the pre-poo step should have given you great protection. For co-washing, you can pretty much use any conditioner that does not contain sulfate. Target washing your scalp by apply the solution to your scalp and using your finger tip base to lightly massage your scalp to lift up any build up. Then let the suds slide down to the length of your hair. Rinse off thoroughly. You can repeat this step if needed.

What I use: Tresemme Naturals Conditioner to co-wash  and Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo to shampoo if I have any product buildup. I put it in an application bottle with a little water.

Deep-conditioning: This is one of the most important steps. This step helps to improve the condition of the hair by strengthen it and providing it with much needed moisture.  You can leave the treatment on your hair for at least 20 minutes or overnight. For this process to work, some type of heat must be applied to the hair. The heat can come from an outside source like a steamer, dryer, or from your own thermal heat. For extra conditioning, you can do these steps:
I removed the plastic cap/heat source, and let the hair cool for 15 mins. Then, I applied a mixture of 1 oz of Tresemme Naturals Conditioner and 6 oz of cool water to top of the hair. I left that on for 2 mins, and then rinsed off. For extra shine, I apply 1/2 cup of Aloe Vera Juice on top of my hair as a final rinse.
What I use: Shea Moisture Deep Treatment Masque mixed with Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Shea Moisture Anti Breakage Masque. I apply my DC product generously, and cover hair with plastic cap and thick knitted cap for at least an hour (or overnight)

Styling: The last step is to style or set your hair for a future style. I use the LOC method to provide my hair with lasting moisture.  (L for Liquid) It is very important to apply a leave in moisturizer after done with your Deep Conditioning step.  (O for Oil) Massage your scalp and edges with oil to stimulate your blood stream, which helps nutrients get to your hair follicles. Also, put some oil at the ends of your hair. (C for Cream) To better seal in the moisture, apply a thicker cream to your hair. If you style calls for gel, you can also use this, just make sure it is an alcohol free oil that will not dry your hair.

What I use: For leave-in: Kinky Curly Knot Today or Paul Mitchell Leave In Conditioner. For Oil: Castor Oil. For Cream/Styler: Whipped Shea Butter, Shea Moisture Curl Enhanced Smoothie, Taliah Waajid Curl Sealer. For Gel: Eco Styler Argan Oil Gel

How do you achieve a stress-free wash day?


  1. Greetings Sawah:

    Many thanks for posting such helpful information on how to obtain, care for and style natural hair.

    I like to style my daughter's hair naturally often. Especially now, since she has breakage along the front hair line which started in approximately September 2011. Can you recommend something to strengthen & start the hair growing again please?

    In the morning her hair is nice & groomed. By the time I pick her up from school, the short hair along the front hair line, is sticking up like porcupine needles or little spikes which looks horrible.

    She hasn't had much growth & it has almost been a complete year since the breakage started.

    Most appreciatively,


    1. I understand how you feel. Big Sis's hair use to act the same way. To grow her edges, apply castor oil to it at least 3 times a week. You can used Jamaican black Castor oil (http://discoveringnatural.blogspot.com/2012/03/product-review-jamaican-black-castor.html) or any other one. I currently use Now Solution Castor oil (http://discoveringnatural.blogspot.com/2012/08/growing-my-edges-with-now-solutions.html)

      Regarding the edges sticking out by the time she gets home, well, that is a battle I am still fighting. Something that helps sometimes is to do the following in the morning
      - Lightly spritz the edges with water
      - Apply some castor oil
      - Apply a water based moisturizer such as Shea moisture curl enhanced smoothie
      - Finger brush or use a soft brush to smoothen the edges
      - Tie down with a scarf for at least 10 mins.

      I hope this works for you. I will be posting my top 7 tips to growing edges soon.. so stay tuned.

  2. Nice posting,i am always using herbal products for hair loss.because these product are not side effected on the hair.
    Jamaican Black Castor


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