Dwell on the Good... not the Bad

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness (Psalm 30:11)

Multiple Praises Time!!! Count your many blessings, name them one by one.


I want to share my multiple praises with you, hoping that this would help uplift anyone that is going through some bad times.


This morning, as we waited...and waited... and waited for Big Sis's bus to show up, it never came. After a while, I decided to take her to school after dropping off Lil Sis at her school. Now, Big Sis is a long distance from our house, and if morning traffic is bad, it could take a really long time. At first, I would have been quite upset that the bus didn't come, and could have made a big deal over that fact. But, I decided not to dwell on the negative and said to Big Sis, "There is always a reason for everything"

As we were driving to her school, the traffic was unexpectedly quite light. Thank God!. We were listening to our favorite station, KSBJ, and a lady requested for the morning song, which Big Sis has not heard in a long time. She loves that song. That made the ride to school even much more fun. We danced to the music and laughed, forgetting that we still had a long way to get to school and school starts at 8am.

After the song was over, Big Sis said, "Thank you, mom, for driving me to school". As a mother, that made my day.  We got to school 10 minutes before it started.

As I started to drive away from the school, my heart was overwhelmed with praise and thankfulness. So, I started to count my blessings:
  1. I thank God for blessing me with my girls
  2. I thank God for allowing me to work from home so that I can be available for times when school buses are late or don't show up. If I worked in the office, I would have had to look for someone to take my kids to school or I would have had to be late for work.
  3. I thank God for letting me not dwell on the sadness and let that impact my child's mood at school.
The praises continue....

On a normal morning, I would have just seen Big Sis off at 6am, then taken Lil Sis to school by 7am and head off to the gym, but this morning, I knew there was no way I could make it to the gym, so I called up my neighbors to see if they wanted to walk. Lo and behold, they had already left. So, I told her, I would "run" and meet her. Now, I always run on Monday mornings, usually at the gym on the treadmill. Due to the weather, I have not had the opportunity to run in a while. I was so thankful to God that I had the opportunity to both run to catch up to them and also walk with my friends.

God is good!


I want to encourage you today, if your day is starting off in a bad way, try to look for something good to dwell on. Turn that bad into good. You know, if there is darkness in a room, and someone bring in a little candle light, that will brighten up the whole room.

Dwell on the Good not the Bad.


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