No Shower Cap for me today!!

This morning, I decided to not use a shower cap to protect my hair while taking a bath.  Usually when getting ready in the morning, I will lightly mist my hair and then apply some oil and conditioner/cream.  By not using my shower cap, I let the mist from the shower do the job.

After getting out of the shower, I applied some castor oil and Wild Growth oil to my scalp and a little of the castor oil to my ends. I then applied Shea Moisture Curl Enhanced Smoothie all over my hair. Gave myself a good scalp massage...Ahhhh and that was it.

I think next time, I will section my hair into four parts so that the shower mist gets into more area of my hair instead of just the canopy.

Are you on Team NoShowerCap?


  1. Replies
    1. Let me know how it goes. I tried it again yesterday and loved it. I can't do it today because I have my hair in bantu knots with the hope of having a bantu knot out for the day.


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