8 months...and counting

I'm so pleased with my hair growth so far.  The only struggle I have currently is keeping my hair moisturized at all time. Doing the Curly Girl method has helped a lot with that.  As I continue this transition journey, I hope to learn more about my hair porosity and also the Curly Girl method.  I just ordered the book, so I will be sharing my findings with you as soon as I get the book from Amazon.

Thanks for all the encouragement!!


  1. Is that portion of your hair all natural? I'm 34 weeks post tomorrow and sometimes I feel like my hair isn't growing fast enough!

    1. Yes, the portion from my scalp to where my fingers are is all my natural hair. Different parts of my hair grows at different rates. My crown is by far the slowest and for some reason that is also the most tender part of my hair. Coincidence...hmm.. not sure. I do have days when I feel that my hair is not growing as fast.


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