Night Time Routine for Puffs

We are taking a one-week break from our month long African Threading Summer Challenge and doing puffs all week. Big Sis loves ...LOVES puffs, however, I never knew what to do with her hair at night.  After looking online and viewing a couple of YouTube videos, I came up with a routine that worked well for us.

Here is what I did to keep her hair moisturized all week long.
  • Section hair into 4 or more parts
  • To each section, spritz the hair with a mixture of water, glycerin, and castor oil
  • Apply Shea Moisture Curl Enhanced Smoothie to the hair, and also the ends
  • Apply Castor oil generously to seal the ends with moisture.
  • Two strand twist the hair and protect the ends by doing it into bantu knots.
What is your night time routine when you wear your hair in puffs?


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