Night routine for Two Strand Twists

Here is my night routine for my hair when I have it styled in two strand twists.  This process keeps the twists stretched and keeps the relaxed ends from being disheveled.

 All you will need is a couple of bobby pins and your satin/silk scarf.

Starting with left part, I gather some of the twists together (includes twists at my bang area), and wrap it along the right side of my face.  I secure that section with a bobby pin.

Next, wrap the twists at the back of your head towards the right side of your head.  Secure that section with a bobby pin.

Now, gather the twists on the right side of your head and wrap it  towards the left side of your head.

 Make sure to secure it with the bobby pin at the right side and back of your head.

This is what the back and right side of your head would look like.

Here is the front view.

Lastly, tie on your scarf to help keep the twists from moving out of place.

What is your night routine for two strand twists? 


  1. That's exactly how I tie my twists at night too if I plan on wearing them down. I would also make two ponytails and band them to keep my hair stretched.

    If I plan on wearing up-do's..I just put the twists in a bun and call it a day.

    If you would like, feel free to check out my blog that shows various of my twists styles on transitioning hair.


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