Impromtu Protective Style : Chunky Kinky Twists

Chuky Kinky Twists

It was night time, and the plan was to retwist my hair using Beautè Organics Styling Butter. But, that did not go as plan. Yesterday, I did some crotchet braids and cornrows on my friend's hair. I'm practicing my skill at crotchet braiding. I fell in love with the extension hair she got. It was so soft and light.

So... I decided to install chunky kinky twists. It took me about 2 hours to complete the twist and the fishtail braid.

I used the invisible parting method to install the twists. Click here to watch.

I used 2 and a half bags of "Dios Fine fiber Mali Twist Braid". I used 2 colors F1B/30 and 1.
Dios Fine fiber Mali Twist Braid

Chunky Kinky Twists Havana Twists


I alternated between the two different color to give it a different look.
One reason why I do not wear extensions a lot is because my scalp is quite tender and I find that the styles pull too much on the edges and scalp. For this style, I did not make the roots tight.
My plan is to wear this style for at least 2 weeks and at most 4 weeks.
How I moisturize my twists




  1. Wow, 2 hours not bad at all! I've seen the invisible parting method and that's what I would do! I don't know how to install braids or twists but that method seems pretty easy! I had kinky twists for the 1st time and only in 2006, I believe it was my 2nd time having extensions(Sola I had a braided extension nightmare a few years before that, lol) and I agree they do pull on your edges! I'm not tender headed but I am hesitant about extensions because of the whole edge pulling but like I was saying earlier if I was gonna do it, I'd use this method, it's seems a lot safer on our edges. Great post and fabulous twists, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks. The method I used is very kind to your edges and the roots to each of the twists is VERY loose, almost like loss twists.


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