Does Your Hair Itch After Styling/ Weaving It? | DiscoveringNatural

 Does Your Hair Itch After Styling/ Weaving It? Does your scalp have white particles?

When you weave your hair, do you use extensions? If so, your scalp might be allergic to it. In that case, click this link to learn how to cleanse the extension

Also if the style is too tight, it can cause a fake kind of itchiness from the tension put on the scalp.
If either of this is not the case, it could also be from the products used while styling or during the maintenance of the style. You might be allergic to ingredients in it.
If the white particles is dandruff, it could be that your scalp is dry. If the dandruff is extreme, please consult with a dermatologist.
If not, you can spray your scalp with some water. Some people also use Aloe Vera juice. Apply a mixture of oils such as a carrier oil (olive, or almond or avocado) then add a few drops of peppermint oil or Neem oil.

Some other products suggestions:
JAMAICAN MANGO & LIME No More Itch Gro Spray:
Denaturelle AyurGro hair pomade: (Discount code: DiscoveringNatural15)
Camille Rose Naturals Braid Scalp Spray:
As I Am Dry & Itchy Scalp:
Taliah Waajid Anti-itch Serum: 
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FTC: This is not a sponsored video. The opinion shared on this video are mine.
Some of the links are affiliate links. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases )


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