Wash Day Diary: June 6th 2014: Black Tea Experiment

I decided to start a Wash Day Diary series..Why?
Well, whenever I wash my hair, I sometimes write down what I use in my notebook. Many times I have lost this book .... or the girls have doodled on it... and... oh well... this is the safest and most convienent place to put my findings. For all products that I use, click on the name to be transferred to the image of the product.

Today, I decided to start my Black Tea Experiment. Black Tea is great for shedding and hair growth. I am mainly experiementing the shedding factor for you all. Prior to today, I have weaned myself off my regular Garlic Diet so that I can have an unbiased review of the truth behind Black Tea Rinses.

Before I release a DIY video to the public, I make sure that I have tested it for at least a month so that I can give an unbiased review. This is the same thing I do when I do Product Reviews for companies.

Pre-wash Day
  • Saturated 4 Tea bags of Lipton Black Tea (Natural Energy) in 4 cups of hot water overnight
  • Detangled hair with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and saturated hair with what was left of my Eden Bodyworks Cowash overnight. Although the cowash is not meant to be left overnight, it was in err. I was planning to wash my hair but had an emergency that I had to attend to, hence why I left it overnight.. ^^Fingers crossed and praying my hair does not fall out by morning!! LOL!

Wash Day
  • Rinse hair thoroughly
  • Shampoo twice with Elasta QP Crème Conditioning Shampoo (because I used a lot of gel in my previous style)
  • Pour the Black Tea solution on hair, squeeze off excess liquid, cover hair with plastic cap and 2 plastic bags, put black T-shirt around the perimeter of my head to prevent leakage.
  • Keep on hair for 30 mins
  • Rinse
  • Apply Eden Bodyworks Deep Conditioner
  • Leave on for 45 mins (30 mins is sufficient, but got busy)
  • Rinse
  • Poured a cup of cold undiluted Aloe Vera Juice

Feelings: My hair felt SUPER soft and for some reason my curls seem elongated. I am thinking it is because of all the moisture from the Cowash not the tea. My hair also seemed darker and tangle free (even my crown area which is the coarsest part of my hair). My ends curl well.

Post-wash Day
  • Section hair into 5 parts
  • Do the LOC method:
    • oil mix (dime size per section)
    • Giovanni Direct Leave In (Because it has a little protein and I wanted to have a moisture-protein balance since the DC did not have any protein)
  • Stretch hair for tomorrow (will be using my Shea Aloe butter to seal and style my hair in twists for the week)
Have you ever used Black Tea? Share your experience.


  1. I do black tea rinse every month, and its actually the final rinse I do, after conditioning my hair.

    1. Thanks for sharing. Have you noticed any changes in shedding?


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