Why Your Scalp Itches After Cornrows

There are several reasons why your scalp might itch after getting cornrows:

• Tight braids: If the cornrows are too tight, they can cause tension on the scalp, leading to itching and discomfort.

• Product buildup: If too much product is used on the hair before braiding, it can cause irritation and itching on the scalp.

• Trapped oil and dirt: Braids can trap oil and dirt close to the scalp, leading to itchiness and irritation.

• Sensitivity to hair products: You might be allergic or sensitive to certain hair products used before braiding, causing an itchy scalp.

To alleviate the itchiness, try using a gentle shampoo, conditioner, and scalp oil, and avoid using too much product. Also, make sure the braids are not too tight and take breaks from braids to give your scalp a rest.


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