Why Your Scalp is Itchy


An itchy scalp can be caused by various factors, including:

1. Dryness: Dry scalp can lead to itching. Try using a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.

2. Dandruff: Dandruff is often accompanied by itching. Special anti-dandruff shampoos can help.

3. Allergies: Allergic reactions to hair products or environmental factors can cause itching.

4. Scalp Infections: Fungal or bacterial infections can lead to itchiness.

5. Hair Care Products: Certain ingredients in hair care products can irritate the scalp.

6. Skin Conditions: Conditions like psoriasis or eczema can cause chronic itching.

7. Tight styles: It is due to the tension caused by the styles. Even if it is not paining  you, it is your scalp’s way of telling you that it is tight and could be affecting your follicles. This happens especially after doing braids.

If you want one on one help with your hair, you can use this link to contact me http://bit.ly/NaturalHairCoach

If your itching persists, it's best to consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.


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