Struggling with High and Low Porosity Natural Hair

Struggling with High and Low Porosity Natural Hair DiscoveringNatural

This morning, I had a conversation with one of my curl friends on Facebook about her struggle with her Low Porosity hair. I had to share my section of the conversation, maybe it will help someone else.


With finding the right product, it is not an immediate thing. Sometimes you can find what works for you, just like that.... fast.. and sometimes it is a learning process, For example, with Lil Sis who is High Porosity, I just recently found a moisturizer that works EXCELLENTLY for her. Each time I touch her hair, I am like WOW. I have not moisturized her hair in a week and still shocked. LOL. She has been natural all her 8 years,

For your low porosity hair, I would suggest looking for products that contain ingredients that make hair more porous. For example with high porosity, Apple Cider vinegar helps with the moisture locking in process

So Lil Sis's magic moisturizer and shampoo and other products she uses contains apple cider vinegar

Some people say that with Low Porosity, using baking soda can help make the hair more porous so that it moisture can penetrate it better. Be careful with this. Test a section of hair before attempting.

Make sure to mix the baking soda with conditioner to make it less harsh.

When you finish washing your hair with your shampoo of choice, deep condition your hair with heat; meaning apply the condition, cover hair with a plastic cap and sit under a hooded dryer or use a warm towel and wrap your plastic covered head. This will allow the product to penetrate better.

After washing, apply leave in conditioner to your WET hair. Not dried hair.

Using humectants are beneficial to low porosity hair. You can try gels like flaxseed gel, some people also use okra gel (I am yet to try this) and some also add a little bit of honey to their deep conditioner.

Protein is also beneficial to low porosity hair.

The key thing is to get educated in the ingredients and what they are doing for YOUR hair and not focus on brand names and so on.
Here is a great article if you have time to read it:


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